Tuesday, June 25, 2013

mIzZ bEe sWEeT dREaMs the bEegInnIng...

~mIzZ bEe sWEeT dREaMs~
the beginning of a new blog
"NO" it's not the first, it's the 4th...
What's the saying,
"If at 1st you don't succeed,
try, try again."
It seem that the blogs before,
just didn't fit...
all in all they all had one thing in common,
they were all linked to mIzZ bEe...
mIzZ bEe that's ME,
a middle age gal with a quirky funny sense of style & humor...
A young at heART kind of gal,
wanting to take on the world's problems & 
helping in anyway that I can...
A gal who has many many ideas,
buzzin' around through my mind...
projects to try to do, places to see,
family & friends to visit,
And "dREaMs" to achieve...
With that said, 
comes the ending of my 1st post of my 4th blog.
But understand never never give up!!!
even if something isn't a perfect fit,
there is always a different size to try on.
So feel free to stop on by,
sWEeT dREaMs...
mIzZ bEe 